Brief Talk on ML

The Pokémon Digimon Classifier

  以Pokémon vs. Digimon作为案例。我们希望找到一个函数,可以实现



Function with Unknown Parameters

Loss of a function (given data)

Training Examples

  \(L(\color{red}{h^{all}, D_{all}} \color{black}{)}\)只有在\(D_{all}\)上是最小的,所以\(L(\color{blue}{h^{train}, D_{train}} \color{black}{)}\)是可以比\(L(\color{red}{h^{all}, D_{all}} \color{black}{)}\)小的。

What do we want?

所以,我们希望采样到good \(\color{blue}{D_{train}}\)满足

那么到底有多大概率会采样到bad \(\color{blue}{D_{train}}\)呢?

Probability of failure


以下讨论very general,是model-agnostic的,无需关于data distribution的假设,可以用任意的loss function。

Model Complexity

  Answer 1: 计算机中所有计算都是离散的。
  Answer 2: VC-dimension (not this course)

Tradeoff of Model Complexity

Why Deep?

Review: Why hidden layer?

Piecewise linear

Hard Sigmoid → Sigmoid function

Hard Sigmoid → ReLU


为什么我们想要”Deep” network,而不是”Fat” network?

Deep is better?

Seide Frank, Gang Li, and Dong Yu. "Conversational Speech ranscription Using Context-Dependent Deep Neural Networks." Interspeech. 2011.
</figure> ### Why we need deep?
**Analogy – Logic Circuits** 例,parity check (to be continued...)